What I Eat in a Day – Vitamix Edition

See all of the healthy recipes I eat in a day, with the help of my Vitamix blender.

I’ve been absolutely loving the huge community that’s formed on my YouTube channel. I’m also having fun switching up my normal recipe videos with more lifestyle content. Hopefully, it not only gives you greater insight into “me” the person behind Downshiftology, but also a sneak peek into how I truly live my life and prioritize my wellness journey.

Watch my What I Eat in a Day video

And subscribe to my YouTube Channel for weekly cooking videos!

A video theme that’s quite popular on YouTube is “What I Eat in a Day” videos. Videos that show not just one recipe or meal but how a person eats throughout the entire day. And you guys have been requesting me to do this type of video every week for oh, the last year!

On top of that, I receive numerous requests daily for more Vitamix recipe videos. So I reached out to my friends at Vitamix and asked if they’d like to partner on a “What I Eat in a Day” video. I thought we could have a little fun with it. And because they’re awesome, they said yes!

Now, in all honesty, I initially intended this video to be somewhat tongue in cheek, because obviously I don’t use my Vitamix for every meal of the day. But here’s the funny thing. This is truly how I eat. And while I may not use my Vitamix for every meal of the day, I absolutely use it at least once a day for whipping up any of the recipes you see in the video or cashew milk or almond butter. My staple items.

My hope is that these recipes can provide a little inspiration for you as well and remind you that there’s so much more that you can do with your Vitamix in addition to blending smoothies. My Vitamix A3500 is a versatile workhorse appliance in my kitchen!

See all of the healthy recipes I eat in a day, with the help of my Vitamix blender.

See all of the healthy recipes I eat in a day, with the help of my Vitamix blender.

See all of the healthy recipes I eat in a day, with the help of my Vitamix blender.

Here’s What I Ate Today

And the Vitamix Tools I’m Using

See all of the healthy recipes I eat in a day, with the help of my Vitamix blender.

See all of the healthy recipes I eat in a day, with the help of my Vitamix blender.

See all of the healthy recipes I eat in a day, with the help of my Vitamix blender.

See all of the healthy recipes I eat in a day, with the help of my Vitamix blender.

I hope you enjoy my first ever “What I Eat in a Day” video and the sneaky drone footage I managed to film. I truly wanted to give you a sense of my life in Southern California, including my regular hiking spot, a broader view of my kitchen and where I frequently lounge and eat on my patio.

If you’d like to see more videos like this in the future, please do let me know in the comments below!

This post was created in partnership with Vitamix (a brand I’ve loved and used for years). All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

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43 comments on “What I Eat in a Day – Vitamix Edition”

  1. Where is the printable PDF for this UTube video – ‘What I eat in a Day – Vitamix edition?

  2. You are a dream! Beautiful pictures and unique, inspiring ideas. Bless!

  3. I was mesmerized by your videos. What I wouldn’t give to be able to eat what you presented to us. If you ever come across recipes for people with Colitis, I sure could use them. There are many of us out there and we would never get out of the bathroom if we ate what you ate. Nightshade plants are bad for us too. But…..I can watch your videos and dream!!!! Love this site.

  4. random surfing and interest saw your video, it was great?  Are you vegetarian or do you do meat also?

    • Hi Doug – I am not vegetarian, but all my recipes are gluten-free :) I do have quite a few meat recipes on my site. But I also love plant based dishes.

  5. Hi Lisa,

    May our Savior bless you for wearing your compassion and love on your shirt.  I love that your videos are delicious, creative, and informative.  Do you have a specific day of the week that videos are released.

    I also was wondering why on your Asian shrimp cauliflower rice recipe, why the marinaded shrimp was not roasted or sautéed?  It would appear that the marinade flavor would be lost when boiling. The dish was quite yummy with roasted shrimp.

    Thanks for the mess of flavors in the recipe!!

    • Hi Kathy – Thank you for your kind words! As for videos, the days will vary, but I will always try to upload 3-4 videos a month :) Be sure to follow me on Youtube, Instagram, and sign up for my email subscription to be the first to know when new videos go live!

      Also, for the Asian Shrimp Cauliflower Rice recipe, you can also roast or sautee it first!

  6. Lisa, can you tell me the name of the artist who sings the song featured in your video? I researched a bit & couldnt find it.
    Thank you for your work. Just beautiful.

  7. Hello and thank you for putting so much time and care into your delicious recipes. I just purchased the Vitamix V1200 with the Aer disc container and digital scale. I am wondering if it is possible to upload your recipes from an app like the vitamix/perfect apps. The recipes on those apps are great, however, I am trying really hard to convert to a plant based/anti-inflammatory diet. I need recipes that are more organic and tasty like yours so that I am encouraged and my tummy feel satisfied.

    • Hi Gloria – I’m so glad you’re enjoying my recipes! Unfortunately, my recipes are not on the Vitamix app but there may be a way to upload my recipes manually. Alternatively, you can save the homepage of my website to your iPhone or iPad as an app icon (I’m sure there’s a similar function for android/Samsung phones as well). Google how to add a website to your phone. This obviously won’t link up with the scale on the vitamix app but if you’re looking for easier access to the site, this would be your best options.

  8. I just absolutely adore your videos, recipes and your personality. I am on my own healing journey for Hashimotos and appreciate encouragement to live a simple clean life. You present all your things in a wonderful way with excellence and care. Wishing you the kind of encouragement and good vibes you are providing for others.

    • Hi Amber – Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so thrilled you love all my recipes and videos! :)

  9. Thank you for sharing these beautilful, creative, and healthy meal ideas. I am so thrilled to have found your site. And you make it all look so simple. THANK YOU! Keep the great ideas coming.

  10. Lisa, I just found you out and never let go. Such an inspiration and really love your taste in food and organization of spaces. The question I have regards the drone you use in some of your videos, could you share what model is it?

  11. Wonderful and useful info! I am looking to expand my hiking spots here in LA and was wondering where this one here was. It reminded me of Topanga a little but seemed more open. Could you share which one this is? :)

  12. Such an awesome video! You’re such an inspiration as I’m also struggling with my digestion and currently working in corporate, so a lot of on-the-go meals.

    I’m intrigued by your banana bag in the video, could you leave a link to it pls?


  13. Hi Lisa,

    You already mentioned all your utensils and even kitchen stools in the description of your YouTube video.. but I’ve got to ask, where did you get the bowl you made your zucchini noodles in? It is so gorgeous!

  14. Hi Lisa!
    I was wondering if you switch your blades out )as per Vitamix’s recommendation) when blending dry items? I use the wet blade and hope I can make anything with it without buying the dry one haha. Please let me know!

  15. I’m really impressed with what you eat. I would definitely love to try some of them. Thank you for sharing this.

  16. Huh. That is a lot of raw food. I can’t eat that much raw stuff. This is just some feedback for you. I went Paleo because I was having very debilitating migraines. And I worked with a nutritionist, did elimination diets, yadda yadda, and we realized that I had multiple food triggers. And eventually we figured out that anything that’s relatively hard to digest — including raw foods — was a potential headache trigger. I used to eat lots of big salads, and some of my very worst (horrible) headaches came after eating big raw salads. So now I am very careful to limit the amount of raw food I eat — a small salad or a radish or green onion with a meal — that’s about it. Occasionally a small serving of sauerkraut, which of course is raw. I do make smoothies infrequently but I’m careful with those, too. This is a whole day’s worth of food in this video and almost everything in it is raw! Only the chicken is cooked. That would a recipe for bad bad headache for me. I also have leaky gut and I think other folks with leaky gut (who may or may not have headaches) also try to avoid eating too much raw stuff. If you have a fine healthy gut you should eat like this — enjoy! But many people who have gone on restrictive diets have underlying health issues. I’m guessing a fair number of paleo eaters would not want to do this much raw food in a day. Cheers.

  17. Hey ?? 
    Thanks a lot for your great video, I really appreciate all the time you spend for the excellent results of your video who faves me a many creative ideas at home.
    Even very far away between the Swiss alps, I appreciate your blog and share with my family and friends your recipes.

  18. Love this!! I’d love a winter version!

  19. Love the daily meal plans
    Would like to see more of that!!

  20. How much spianch did u use in the pesto in the video….I found your recipe useing basil…..I would like to try the spianch version….thank u….love your viedos & recipes.

  21. Such a wonderful, delicious, nourishing day of eats! Also loved seeing the energizing, picturesque morning hike and the cool drone :) I would definitely love to see more videos like this!
